About Us

Antigua and Barbuda has not been spared the negative repercussions unraveling from the global economic reality. Consequently, the island state has been affected from the negative ripple effects on the families and communities in which our youth ought to be nurtured. This has only compounded the existing negative social influences which have trickled into our society and culture. There has been a rapid increase in young people, especially young girls, exhibiting anti-social behavior due to neglect or physical, sexual and emotional abuse within their homes. The lives of these young ladies are too precious to be wasted; each one has an integral contribution to the development of the nation.

As a faith-based organization, MSM has found that investing in youth and by extension their families, yields dividends for the Christian, corporate and civil community.

Positive Impacts

“My journey at Mustard Seed Ministries started on March 14th 2015 to January 30th 2021. On the very day I arrived it was a bit frightening and at nights I would be depressed being the only one there before the others arrived. But the love and comfort I received from Grandma Angella, Aunty Cherissa and the house mothers was as motherly as can be. There were rules set in place which I didn’t understand at first but as time went by and by the age of 18 I came to appreciate the structure which the rules provided. No words can describe how I really feel about my time with Mustard Seed Ministries. I now have a passion to speak to young people about my experience and I hope one day I will have an opportunity to share how it has impacted my life positively.”


“When I first arrived at Mustard seeds Ministries, I had doubts about how I would be treated. However, I was given a warm welcome, and was treated like Rev Robert’s very own granddaughter. While I was there, I learned the value of a woman and how I should carry myself with respect, value myself and value God. I learnt how important it is to have a good relationship with God. Being at this home, I was shown tough love in a way that helped to mold me in becoming a better woman and mother for my kids in the future.”


“For me Mustard Seed Ministries was the first “home” I knew.
It was where I got cakes and gifts for birthdays and Christmas. It was the place where my voice was heard and it mattered.
That’s where “I love you” was said and we could feel it, where we learned to love, to pray, but most importantly how to forgive.
This was where we called home, and formed sisterhood bonds for life.
For most of us, these were the things that shaped us.”


What We Do


SEEDS Transitional Girls Residence:

  1. Program Objectives –

To afford each resident the following before leaving the program:

  • a safe, permanent, and affordable living arrangement
  • a job and/or relevant job training (age related), or the appropriate educational training: and
  • appropriate clinical and other services to ensure her self-sufficiency without depending on long-term social services.
  1. Service Plan:

MSM works in collaboration with the Citizen Welfare Division within the Ministry of Health and Social Transformation, the Youth Intervention Unit of the Antigua & Barbuda Royal Police Force, and The Family Court, which are collectively charged with securing the safety and welfare of the youth.  A referral process enables us to consider the young girls in need of services and determine whether our services align with their respective needs.  

Once a placement has been secured orientation includes an assessment of individual needs to enable the creation of an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) identifying tailored goals and objectives ranging from mental health and/or substance abuse counselling to life skills training to education and ultimately, etiquette and employment readiness.

We employ strategies that are designed to enhance academic and vocational skills that:

  • help these young girls avoid risky behavior;
  • encourage participants to develop a positive self-image;
  • promote leadership development skills;
  • recognize the value of family and community influence;
  • foster the development of healthy relationships with others.

Residents learn personal responsibility for the day-to-day household chores, cooking, and other life skills – including community involvement and awareness.  Significantly, we believe that the young girls themselves should help to make decisions that affect them as a means of helping to shape their own futures.  Each resident is encouraged to maintain an ongoing relationship with program staff for at least one year after leaving the program.

Services are provided on and off-site by qualified staff and volunteers, as well as by taking advantage of existing community resources. Residents of our Home have access to consulting professionals: including a licensed psychologist, medical doctors, an advance nurse practitioner, a certified drug and alcohol counsellor, and a family life educator. These professionals are available for both individual consultations as well as for group workshops and seminars.


The Oasis Preparatory Housing

  1. Program Objectives

The  Oasis  offers a preparatory programmes catering to those who must remain with us beyond 18 due to their circumstances.  The programmeseeks to assist them with career/job readiness and general self-sufficiency including managing life and money.


  1. Service Plan

Residents receive a wide range of services. Program staff and volunteers assist residents in building life skills, resolving issues and developing important prerequisites for self-sufficiency.

Services include:

  • career planning and work readiness to include job search and job placement services, overseen by a part-time employment specialist;
  • financial literacy, budgeting and money management;
  • independent living skills instruction;
  • leadership development training and character education;
  • an Individual Transitional Plan that incorporates discharge planning and assistance with securing long-term housing and instruction in landlord/tenant rights;
  • linkage to legal services (if necessary);
  • a mentoring program to link each resident with a caring adult; and
  • assistance in accessing the full range of community-based social and health care services as may be necessary.

Haven of Hope

  1. Program Objectives

Antigua and Barbuda has been experiencing a steady increase in Domestic Abuse cases primarily against females, but not to the exclusion of males ranging from16-65 years. In an effort to alleviate the short fall of safe accommodations for those in our society living in fear for their lives Mustard Seed Ministries will provide a temporary place of refuge and security for abused women and children.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  1. Service Plan

The services MSM’s Haven of Hope aims to foster healing and restoration through:

  • advocacy services;
  • linkage to legal services (if necessary);
  • a mentoring program to link each resident with a caring adult; and
  • assistance in accessing the full range of community-based social and health care services as may be necessary.
  • recreational and cultural services;


Both the Transitional and Domestic Violence Safe Haven facilities will provide counselling and life skills programmes, as well as cooking, budgeting, craft, literacy classes, parenting skill training, career and job skills training, resume writing and interview preparation, intended to equip these individuals with life skills necessary to promote their return to sustained independent living. The Domestic Violence program will run in quarterly accessed sequences pending their level of ability to return to independent living.